Frequently asked questions


Booking of classes

+ How do I book/edit/check/cancel my classes?

The booking of classes is all done from within your own online account. All classes have a fixed class size. If you are an existing student, and have trouble logging in, please follow the steps in the Login page to reset your password.

Booking of classes is easy! Simply login and navigate to Schedule in your menu bar to book your classes. If you wish to check your existing classes, just navigate to Schedule > My Bookings. Cancellation of booking can also be done there.

+ The class I want to attend is full! What should I do?

Unlike pre-covid days, all classes now have fixed capacity for social distancing and crowd control purposes. However, there are plenty of class slots for everyone! There should be many other convenient timeslots for students.

If you wish to feedback on the class timeslots, please email us at . We will make an assessment on whether to increase class sizes.


+ How frequently is grading conducted?

Taekwondo grading is conducted every 3 months. The schedule and timing of the grading timings are indicated here:

The BJJ grading and promotions are adhoc and purely determined by the instructor and assessment of proficiency.

Krav Maga grading is conducted every 4 months.

+ If I cannot attend TKD grading at the school grading date, can I take my grading on another day?

You may attend grading at another school which is conducting the grading on a different day. However, do inform us at least 1 month ahead so that we can make arrangements. We do this on a best effort basis, but we can’t guarantee that there will be suitable slots available as these are outside of our control.

**With the existing Covid situation, all grading is conducted as part of regular classes to avoid excessive crowding at the school. Please arrange for a suitable date with your instructor as we are able to exercise some flexibility in this.

+ Are there any grading requirements to meet?

A change of belt colour is an indication of skill, hard work and dedication. As such, Trifecta has strict guidelines on the number of lessons that must be completed as a minimum requirement before attending grading.

Proficiency and readiness for grading is purely determined by the instructors, so the grading requirements are a bare minimum. Instructors may state that a student is not ready for grading, despite having met the minimum training hours requirements. Grading requirements are available here for reference:

+ What are the fees involved in grading?

Grading fees depend on the belt level and range from $60 to $250, depending on your belt level.

The BJJ grading and promotions are adhoc and purely determined by the instructor and assessment of proficiency.

Krav Maga grading also requires a $50 grading booklet/passport to be purchased in order to be graded. This is on top of grading fees, which range from $100 and upwards, depending on your level.

Competition Training

+ Who can attend Competition Training classes?

Competition training classes and specialty classes designed to train students for competitions. As such, these sessions are by invitation only.

+ Can I use my normal lessons to pay for competition classes?

No. Competition classes are charged separately. It is a fixed monthly fee as competitive training requires commitment of time and effort. While we do not want to charge more for students who want to train more frequently, we also do not wish to provide options to encourage the wrong attitudes in training.

+ Why are competition fees collected higher than the published participation fee of the competition?

Many competition organizers charge the schools and gyms participating in competitions additional fees. These additional charges are not miniscule in nature, hence we have no choice but to include these ancillary costs as part of the competition participation fee.

Uniforms and Gis

+ Must I buy a gi from Trifecta to train here?

Trifecta is not sticky about gym attire. However, Taekwondo attire must comply with the guidelines stipulated by the Singapore Taekwondo Federation. As such, we highly recommend that the Taekwondo gi is purchased with Trifecta as our supplier will have the federation approved gis.

For BJJ, as there is no such federation and grading guidelines in Singapore yet, you may choose to purchase your own gi.

Krav Maga in Trifecta is affiliated with IKMF and therefore the federation rules apply. Official attire from IKMF must be used when training. Grading patches will also be issued directly from the federation and must be used in tandem with the uniform.

+ Why are BJJ gis different from Taekwondo?

BJJ is a grappling sport with contact sparring as an essential component of the training. As such, the BJJ gi tends to be much thicker. This is consistent with other grappling sports as well e.g. judo, jiu-jitsu etc. The Taekwondo gi is lighter and more suited to the sport, which is a striking form of martial arts with focus on kicking and punching.

+ What other equipment is required besides the uniform?

Taekwondo students will require protective gear for sparring purposes. The full set of protective gear costs $350. This is a mandatory requirement for Green-Tip and above students.

Frequency of Training

Regardless of your training goals, students who train at least twice a week (per discipline) tend to get more consistent results from their training regime. While you may want to start with a weekly routine at first, mastery of martial arts requires commitment and hard work.

+ Doesn’t it cost more to train more?

Trifecta has a very affordable monthly unlimited package rate that ranges from $150-$250 per month, depending on belt level and discipline. We do not believe in discouraging students who wish to train more often, so all packages are designed to reward those who are willing to put in the time and effort to train consistently.

Class Sizes

+ What is the typical class size?

Our kids classes average at about 5 students per class. However, in the 2 weeks leading up to grading, some classes may have up to 15 students.

+ What is the student-teacher ratio?

Generally, the student to teacher ratio is 5:1 for Taekwondo. For BJJ, this ratio can be 8:1. Class sizes are purposefully kept small so that every student gets enough personal attention to grow and improve.

+ How do keep your class sizes manageable?

Every Trifecta school has a student limit. Once we have reached the maximum number of active students, we will cease registration of new students. New students will be put on a waitlist until a student leaves the school. Waitlisted students are given priority in sequence of registration.

Freezing Account

+ Can I freeze my account?

All account freezes are charged at $50/mth. Each month of account freeze is charged as part thereof, meaning if freeze period is 6 weeks, the charge is $100 ($50 x 2).

All monthly sub fees will be pro-rated to the duration of the freeze.

+ I may not be able to train for a while due to unforeseen circumstances, but I want to ensure that my placement in Trifecta is secured until I come back.

In most cases, a monthly freeze fee will be charged if you wish to hold your placement with the school. If you have documentary proof of involuntary absence due to NS commitments, injury or other kinds of involuntary causes, please email us at for consideration. Waiver of freeze fees will be considered on a case-by-case basis.